Briefly analyzed the influence of temperature-testing holes layout on the inventory check of edible vegetable oil. 浅析了储油罐测温扦样孔设置对食用植物油库存实物检查的影响。
Inventory Check will be conducted on monthly basis. 每月进行一次库存检查。
It is essential that tanks have adequate inventory levels to support start-up prior to proceeding check with supervision to determine the minimum inventory required to support startup and operation. 在进一步与监管(主管)检查(或检讨)确定支持开车和操作所需的最低储液量之前,保持罐中足够的储液液位以保证开车是必要的。
I did the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports. 我没有库存检查和帮助,使会计师的审计报告。
Methods 270 pilots were investigated with Quality of Life Inventory, Cattell The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Symptom Check List 90, Social Support Scale, Stressful Life Events Scale. 方法给予270名飞行员生活质量问卷、卡特尔16种个性因素问卷、临床症状自评量表、社会支持量表、紧张性生活事件量表测评。
In this paper, based on the background of DIMS ( Distributed Inventory Management System) Project of application, according to actual conditions of the enterprise, we bring forward the integral solution for the DIMS and the method of implementing the Inventory Check Module. 本文以分布式库存管理系统项目具体应用为背景,结合企业库存管理现状,提出了库存管理系统的整体解决方案并给出了库存盘点模块的具体实现方法。